Magento 2 Store Configurations

After installing Magento 2, you'll need to configure your store settings to customize your online store. Here are the steps to configure your Magento 2 store:

Step 1: Access the Admin Panel

Open a web browser and navigate to the URL of your Magento 2 installation, followed by /admin to access the Magento 2 admin panel. For example:

Step 2: Log in to the Admin Panel

Enter your admin username and password that you set during the installation process to log in to the Magento 2 admin panel.

Step 3: Navigate to Store Configuration

Once logged in, you will be taken to the Magento 2 admin dashboard. From the left-hand sidebar, click on Stores and then select Configuration under the Settings section. This will take you to the store configuration settings.

Step 4: Configure General Settings

Under the General tab, you can configure various general settings for your store, such as store information (name, email, address), store contact details, and store URLs. You can also configure default display settings, currency options, and other general settings.

Step 5: Configure Catalog Settings

Under the Catalog tab, you can configure settings related to your store's catalog, including product settings (such as inventory, pricing, and images), category settings (such as display mode and default category), and search settings (such as search engine and search terms).


Step 6: Configure Sales Settings

Under the Sales tab, you can configure settings related to sales and order management, such as payment methods, shipping settings, tax settings, and email settings for order notifications.

Step 7: Configure Customer Settings

Under the Customers tab, you can configure settings related to customer management, such as customer registration options, customer account settings, and email settings for customer notifications.

Step 8: Configure Design Settings

Under the Design tab, you can configure settings related to the design and appearance of your store, including theme settings, layout settings, and design options for various store pages.

Step 9: Configure Other Settings

Magento 2 provides various other settings related to marketing, email, security, and more. You can explore these settings under the respective tabs and configure them according to your requirements.

Step 10: Save Configuration Changes

Once you have made the desired changes to your store configuration, click on the Save Config button to save the changes.

That's it! You have now configured your Magento 2 store settings. Remember to review and test your store thoroughly to ensure that all the configurations are working as expected.