Architecture of Magento 2

Magento 2 is a popular open-source e-commerce platform that is built on a modern, modular architecture designed to be highly scalable, flexible, and extensible. The architecture of Magento 2 includes several key components, which work together to power the platform and create feature-rich online stores. Let's take a closer look at the main components of the Magento 2 architecture:

  • Presentation Layer : The presentation layer in Magento 2 is responsible for handling the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) of the online store. It includes the frontend components, such as themes, templates, CSS, JavaScript, and media assets, which determine the appearance and layout of the online store. Magento 2 uses a responsive design approach, allowing online stores to be accessed and used seamlessly across different devices, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets.
  • Application Layer : The application layer in Magento 2 handles the business logic and processing of the online store. It includes the PHP codebase, which is organized into modules that provide specific functionalities, such as catalog management, customer management, order management, payment processing, and more. Magento 2 follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which separates the application logic into three main components:
    • Models : Responsible for handling data management, including data validation, data retrieval, and data storage. Models in Magento 2 use the entity-attribute-value (EAV) database model, which allows for flexible and extensible data storage.
    • Views : Responsible for rendering the user interface and displaying the data to the end users. Views in Magento 2 are based on templates that define the structure and appearance of the HTML output.
    • Controllers : Responsible for handling user requests, processing actions, and coordinating between models and views. Controllers in Magento 2 receive user requests, perform actions, and return responses, which are then rendered by the views.
  • Service Layer : The service layer in Magento 2 provides a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow external systems to interact with the platform. It includes various types of APIs, such as web APIs, GraphQL APIs, and message queues, which enable integrations with third-party systems, customization, and extension development. The service layer provides a standardized and extensible way to interact with Magento 2, allowing for seamless integration with external systems and custom development.
  • Database Layer : The database layer in Magento 2 is responsible for storing and managing the data used by the online store. It includes a MySQL relational database that stores various types of data, such as products, customers, orders, and configurations. Magento 2 uses a highly normalized database schema and leverages advanced database features, such as indexing, caching, and query optimization, to ensure optimal performance and scalability.
  • Caching Layer : Caching is an important performance optimization technique in Magento 2. The platform includes a caching layer that allows for caching of various types of data, such as configuration, layout, block output, and more. Caching helps to improve the performance and scalability of the online store by reducing the load on the database and speeding up the response times.
  • Event-Driven Architecture : Magento 2 follows an event-driven architecture, which allows for asynchronous processing of events and notifications. Events are dispatched by various components in the system, and observers can listen to these events and perform actions in response to them. This allows for decoupling of components and enables extensibility and customization without modifying the core code.
  • Admin Interface : Magento 2 includes a web-based admin interface that provides a user-friendly interface for managing the online store. The admin interface allows for configuration, customization, and management of various aspects of the online store, such as products, customers, orders, promotions, and more. It provides a comprehensive set of tools.

Overall, the architecture of Magento 2 is designed to be modular, scalable, and extensible, providing a solid foundation for building robust and high-performing e-commerce websites. It follows industry best practices and patterns, such as MVC, APIs, caching, and integration frameworks, to provide a flexible and powerful platform for creating feature-rich online stores.