PHP Syntax

The syntax of PHP is similar to that of other programming languages like C and Java, with some unique features. Here are some basic syntax rules to keep in mind when writing PHP code.

  • PHP code is enclosed in tags. Anything outside of these tags will be treated as HTML.
  • Statements in PHP end with a semicolon (;).
  • PHP variables are denoted by a $ followed by the variable name. Variables are case-sensitive.
  • Strings in PHP are enclosed in double quotes (") or single quotes (').
  • PHP comments can be single-line (//) or multi-line (/* ... */).
  • PHP code blocks can be nested within other PHP code blocks.

// Define a variable and set its value
$message = "Hello, World!";

// Print the variable to the web page
echo $message;


In this example, the code between the <?php and ?> tags is treated as PHP code, and the variable $message is defined and assigned the value "Hello, World!". The echo statement is then used to print the value of $message to the web page.


Embedding PHP within HTML

One of the key features of PHP is the ability to embed PHP code within HTML. This allows developers to create dynamic web pages that can generate content on the fly based on user input or database queries. Here's an example of how to embed PHP within HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>PHP Example</title>

<h1>My Website</h1>

	// Define a variable and set its value
	$message = "Welcome to my website!";

	// Print the variable within an HTML tag
	echo "<p>$message</p>";


In this example, the PHP code is embedded within the HTML using the <?php and ?> tags. The $message variable is defined and assigned a value, and then printed out within a <p> tag using the echo statement.

When this code is run on a web server, the PHP code will be executed and the output will be combined with the HTML code to produce a web page that displays the message "Welcome to my website!" in a paragraph tag.

Overall, embedding PHP within HTML allows developers to create dynamic web pages that can be customised and updated based on a wide variety of conditions, making it a powerful tool for web development.

Case Sensitivity in PHP


In PHP, variable names, function names, and other identifiers are case-sensitive. This means that a variable named $message is not the same as a variable named $Message, $MESSAGE, or any other variation. For example, the following code will produce an error:

$message = "Hello, World!";
echo $Message;

This is because the variable $Message has not been defined, and PHP is case-sensitive, so it does not recognize $Message as the same variable as $message.

In addition to variable names, PHP is also case-sensitive when it comes to function names, class names, and other identifiers. This means that if you define a function called myFunction, you cannot call it using the name myfunction or MYFUNCTION.

It's important to keep case-sensitivity in mind when working with PHP code, as it can lead to errors if you're not careful. To avoid these errors, it's a good idea to use consistent naming conventions for your variables, functions, and other identifiers, and to double-check your code for any case-related issues before running it.