Jquery Selectors

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that allows you to easily manipulate HTML documents and handle events. One of its core features is its powerful selector engine, which allows you to select DOM elements in a similar way to CSS selectors.

Select by tag name in jquery

To select elements by tag name in jQuery, you can use the tag name as a parameter for the $() function. Here's an example:

// Select all <p> elements on the page

This will return a jQuery object containing all the p elements on the page. If you want to select elements that have multiple tag names, you can separate them with commas:

// Select all <h1> and <h2> elements on the page
$('h1, h2');

This will return a jQuery object containing all the h1 and h2 elements on the page.


Selecting elements by ID

To select elements by ID in jQuery, you can use the # symbol followed by the ID as a parameter for the $() function. Here's an example:

// Select the element with ID "my-element"

This will return a jQuery object containing the element with ID my-element. If you want to perform an action on the selected element, you can use any of the jQuery methods or functions. For example, to change the text of the selected element:

// Change the text of the element with ID "my-element"
$('#my-element').text('New text');

If you have multiple elements with the same ID (which is invalid HTML), jQuery will only select the first one. It's important to note that selecting elements by ID is a very efficient way to target specific elements on a page. However, it's recommended to use IDs sparingly and only for elements that truly need to be uniquely identified, as using too many IDs can lead to performance issues and make your HTML harder to maintain.

Selecting Elements by Class Name

To select elements by class name in jQuery, you can use the .class-name syntax as a parameter for the $() function. Here's an example:

// Select all elements with the class "my-class"

This will return a jQuery object containing all the elements with class my-class. You can also use multiple class names by chaining them together without spaces:

// Select all elements with both "my-class" and "my-other-class"

If you want to perform an action on the selected elements, you can use any of the jQuery methods or functions. For example, to hide all elements with the class my-class:

// Hide all elements with the class "my-class"

To select elements that have multiple class names, you can separate them with commas:

// Select all elements with class "my-class" or "my-other-class"
$('.my-class, .my-other-class');

It's important to note that selecting elements by class name is less efficient than selecting elements by ID, but it's still a very powerful way to target specific elements on a page.


Selecting Elements by Attribute

To select elements by attribute in jQuery, you can use the attribute selector syntax [] as a parameter for the $() function. Here's an example:

// Select all elements with the "data-category" attribute set to "fruit"

This will return a jQuery object containing all the elements that have the data-category attribute set to "fruit". You can also use the attribute selector to select elements based on whether they have a specific attribute or not:

// Select all elements that have a "title" attribute

// Select all elements that do not have a "title" attribute

If you want to perform an action on the selected elements, you can use any of the jQuery methods or functions. For example, to add a new attribute to all elements with class my-class:

// Add a "data-type" attribute to all elements with class "my-class"
$('.my-class').attr('data-type', 'new-value');

To select elements based on a partial attribute value, you can use the attribute contains selector:

// Select all elements that have a "src" attribute containing "logo"


It's important to note that selecting elements by attribute can be less efficient than selecting elements by tag name, class name or ID, but it's still a very useful way to target specific elements on a page.