What is an AOT compilation in angular

AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation is a technique used in Angular to pre-compile components and their templates at build time, instead of at runtime. This can lead to faster load times and better performance for the application. It also allows for more advanced compiler optimization and error checking during the build process, rather than at runtime. AOT compilation is enabled by default when building an Angular application for production using the Angular CLI. It converts the Angular HTML and TypeScript code into JavaScript code during the build phase. for example, before the browser downloads and runs the code.

For example, if you want to build your Angular application for production with AOT compilation, you would run the following command in your terminal.

ng build --prod --aot

This command would build your application in production mode with AOT compilation enabled.

  • Fast rendering
  • Easy detection of template errors
  • Small download size
  • Improved security

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