Angular CLI Commands

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a command-line tool that is used for creating, developing, and managing Angular applications. Angular CLI provides a set of commands that can be executed from the terminal or command prompt to perform various tasks in an Angular project. Some of the common tasks that can be performed using Angular CLI commands include:

  • Creating a new Angular project
  • Generating new components, services, modules, and other Angular artifacts
  • Serving the application in development mode
  • Building the application for production deployment
  • Running unit tests and end-to-end tests
  • Linting the code
  • Updating Angular packages to the latest version
  • Adding new packages to the project
  • Deploying the application to a hosting provider
  • Configuring the Angular CLI

By using Angular CLI commands, developers can streamline their workflow and save time and effort. The Angular CLI abstracts away much of the boilerplate and configuration required for an Angular project, making it easier to get started and focus on writing code. Here is a list of commonly used Angular CLI commands:

  • ng new <project-name> : Creates a new Angular project with the specified name.
  • ng serve : Serves the application in development mode at http://localhost:4200.
  • ng build : Builds the application for production deployment.
  • ng generate <schematic> <name> : Generates a new component, directive, pipe, service, module, interface, enum or class with the specified name.
  • ng test : Runs unit tests using karma test runner.
  • ng e2e : Runs end-to-end tests using protractor test runner.
  • ng lint : Runs the linting tool to check the code for potential errors.
  • ng update : Updates the Angular packages to the latest versions.
  • ng add <package> : Installs and configures a new package in the project.
  • ng deploy : Deploys the application to a hosting provider.
  • ng config : Sets or gets the Angular CLI configuration.
  • ng help : Displays the help documentation for the Angular CLI.

These are just some of the most commonly used Angular CLI commands. For a complete list of all the available commands and their options, you can run ng help or refer to the official Angular CLI documentation.